Facility galleries or walkways include conditions with dirt, dust, moisture and corrosive environments. Conventional technology often fails to provide a reliable and cost-effective protection solution. Forced by the conditions, conventional detectors tend to result in false alarms and often lead to significant maintenance outlays. TASC’s linear detection system is designed to minimize operating costs and to operate with maximum reliability even in adverse conditions such as:

– Dirty, dusty and corrosive environments.
– High humidity and dynamic temperature fluctuations.
– Solvent vapours and radioactive radiation.
– ATEX classified areas with gas or dust.

A fire in a facility gallery can cause serious damage to the structure of a building and also greatly prolong the continuity of production processes for the property, with the consequent costs involved.

Here are some examples of technologies that you could apply with our help:

Fiber optic linear heat detection
Digital sensor cable linear heat detection
Gas Detection
Accesorios Especiales de Instalación

Find out more about gallery protection in this guide:


For any questions or clarification about our guides or products and requests for prices and references, please contact us.