Linear fiber optic at Tunel de Glorias in Barcelona

The “sea side” of the Glorias tunnel in Barcelona will be inaugurated in a few weeks,. This tunnel, with 2 tubes of 3 lanes each, runs under the Plaza de las Glorias Catalanas in Barcelona. It will alleviate traffic on the surrounding streets and avenues: Gran Vía de las Cortes Catalanas, Avda. Diagonal and Avda. Meridiana. It will also serve to reduce pollution in the area. The “mountain side” will be open to public in November.

It is equipped with the latest technology in road safety. In terms of fire safety, a system distributed by TASC (AP Sensing) has been installed for the detection of fires in tunnels. With sensor cable redundancy topology, so that in the event of a break in the sensor cable, none of the fire detection is lost. The linear detection in each tube will have a total of 9 zones that will activate the corresponding extraction zones. Activation by maximum temperature and temperature gradient has been programmed for each zone. Communication with other systems will be done through relays and ModBus/TCP-IP.

Rafael Sevilla Martínez. Comercial Director of TASC